Use Spartan or WebMO to optimize the structure of the following molecule with B3LYP theory with 6-31+G(d). Notice that different multiplicity might cause different structures, compare the energies of the structures too.
Data link:Google Drive
1. use multiplicity=singlet to optimize the structure
energy=-2941.32293 Hartree |
PointGroup:C1 |
2. use multiplicity=triplet to optimize the structure
energy=-2941.33094 Hartree |
PointGroup:C1 |
1. Use the keyword < Density=All > in my Input file.
2. In Linux system use command < formchk > to transform Checkpoint file to FormCheckpoint file.
3. Use command < cubegen > to creat cube file
4. Transfrom cube file to dat file can be more easy to make graph.
1.use MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ
2. use MP2/d-aug-cc-pVTZ
2. compare the difference between two different basis set