



Basis exercises


Build molecules

 The Ionization Energy of atoms ( atomic number 1~18 )

The Electron Affinity of atoms ( atomic number 1~18 )

Make corrections to the assignments for the previous weeks

Calculate the Electron Affinity of HeNeAr
Optimize the H₃⁺ molecule

Calculate the structures and atomization energies (AE) of XHn (X = H~Ne)

Calculate the structure
frequencies and single point energy of XHn (X = H~Ne)

Transition state structure

2k(rate constant) at different temperatures

Excited states of the Hydrogen atom and He


1First 2 excited states of the Oxygen atom



Solvation Effects



•Please use ChatGPT to explore the computational chemistry knowledge 
•Install Spartan on your computer
•Learn to use VPN connection
•Build the molecules and operate various functions on WebMO 
•Please use ChatGPT to explore the computational chemistry knowledge 

•Construct the following molecules with Cartesian coordinates and Internal coordinates
( Hint : you can construct different point groups for different molecules )

Cartesian coordinates
Carbon dioxide、Acetylene、Methane、Chromium hexacarbonyl、Phosphorus pentachloride

Internal coordinates
Methane、Ethane、Phosphorus pentachloride、trans-1,2-Dichloroethene、Formaldehyde
Please use ChatGPT to explore the two questions about computational chemistry knowledge ( except homework )

Use Gaussian、 Spartan or WebMO to calculate the ionization energy of atoms with atomic number 1~18, by using HF、B3LYP and MP2 theoretical methods with 6-31G** and 6-311G** basis set, and do some simple statistical analysis.

experimental value: Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark DataBase
Please use ChatGPT to explore one question about computational chemistry knowledge and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )
Use Gaussian、 Spartan or WebMO to calculate the Electron Affinity of atoms with Hydrogen and Helium, by using B3LYP、MP2 and M062X theoretical methods with 6-31G**、6-311G**、6-31++G** and 6-311++G** basis set, and do some simple statistical analysis.
Use Gaussian、 Spartan or WebMO to calculate the Electron Affinity of atoms with atomic number 3~18, by using B3LYP、MP2 and M062X theoretical methods with 6-31G**、6-311G**、6-31+G** and 6-311+G** basis set, and do some simple statistical analysis.
Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )
Make corrections to the assignments for the previous weeks and try to insights into the differences in calculations of IE and EA when using various theoretical methods.
Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )
Use Gaussian or WebMO to calculate the Electron Affinity of Helium、Neon、Argon, by using B3LYP、MP2 and M062X theoretical methods with cc-pVTZ、aug-cc-pVTZ、d-aug-cc-pVTZ basis set, and do some simple statistical analysis.(check your unit、analysis tools)
Try to add an additional set of diffuse functions for the s orbital of He, and the s and p orbitals of Ne and Ar. ( in the 6-31G basis set )
Try to use Gaussian or WebMO to optimize the H₃⁺ molecule and calculate the linear dissociation energy according to the formula provided in the PDF lecture.
Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )
Make corrections to the assignments for the previous weeks.
Calculate the structures and atomization energies (AE) of XHn (X = H~Ne) by using B3LYP、MP2 theoretical methods with 6-31+G(d,p)、aug-cc-pVTZ then compare with the experimental values.
PDF: Total Atomization Energies for Hydrides
Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )
Calculate the structure and frequencies of XHn (X = H~Ne) by using B3LYP theoretical method with 6-31+G(d,p) then compare with the experimental values.
Calculate the single point energy of XHn (X = H~Ne) by using CCSD(T) theoretical method with aug-cc-pVTZ ( the structure obtained from the previous homework ), and then use those energy to calculate the standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH°f)  then compare with the experimental values.
Hint : CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ geom=allchk guess=read 

Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )


Find the transition state structure and calculate the barrier height (ΔV) for the following reaction.
reaction:HNC → HCN
methods : MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ、MP2/6-31+G**

Calculate the k(rate constant) at different temperatures (at least 3 different temperatures) for the following reaction and plot of ln(k) versus 1000/T then compare with the experimental values. 

reaction:CH4 +OH․→ H2O + CH3
reaction:CD4 +OH․→ H2O(1 H will replace by D) + CD3
methods : MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ、MP2/6-31+G**

Hint: The plot should be an Arrhenius plot


Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )


Calculate the first 13 excited states of the Hydrogen atom by using the CIS theoretical method with appropriate basis sets ( need to include diffuse functions or other elements ) then compare with the experimental values.
Calculate the first 5 singlet excited states of Helium by using the CIS、CIS(D) theoretical method with appropriate basis sets then compare with the experimental values.

Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )


Calculate the first 2 excited states of the Oxygen atom by using the CASSCF method with appropriate basis sets then compare with the experimental values.
For 7-Azaindole there are normal form & tautomer form 
  • Which one is more stable at ground state 
  • Is there a Transition State ( TS ) between the two structures? If so, what would be the barrier height between them?
  • Optimize the first excited state of two structures, and plot a simple energy level diagram based on the energy difference.
  • Calculate the verticle excitation energy between the ground state & first excited state.
methods : B3LYP/6-31G**


Find the transition state and calculate the barrier height for CH3F + F → CH3F + F with following model.

Gas/Microsolvation/Continuum Model ( PCM,sovlent=Water )

