

1.•Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )

2.•Calculate the first 13 excitation energy of Hydrogen(from 1s to 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals) atom by using the CIS theoretical method with appropriate basis sets ( need to include diffuse functions or other elements ) then compare with the experimental values.

Exp value of the two lowest excitation energy(n=1>n=2 and n=1>n=3) of Hydrogen are 10.2, 12.1eV.(from class material)

Table1. Total error of the first 13 singlet excited states with their exp values calculated by CIS method.

H      (Unit: eV) total error
aug-cc-pVTZ 125.4
daug-cc-pVTZ 19.4
daug-cc-pVQZ 12.7
daug-cc-pV5Z 9
daug-cc-pV5Z+S,P 25.1

3.Calculate the first 5  excitation energy of Helium( from 1s to 2s, 2p and 3s) by using the CIS、CIS(D) theoretical method with appropriate basis sets then compare with the experimental values.

Exp value of the two lowest excitation energy(1s12s1, 1s12p1 and 1s13s1) of Helium are 20.6, 21.2, 22.9eV.

(from class material and

NIST Atomic Spectra Database Levels Data)

Table 2. Sum of the error bwtween the first 4 singlet excited states and thier exp values calculated by CIS method.(Unit: eV)

He(CIS) 5th 1st~4th error 
aug-cc-pVTZ 38.4 15.7
daug-cc-pVTZ 24.2 3.2
daug-cc-pVQZ 24 2.6
daug-cc-pV5Z 23.9 2.3
daug-cc-pV5Z+s,p 23.3 2
daug-cc-pV5Z+2s,p+d 23.3 2

Table 3. Sum of the error between the first 4 singlet excited states with thier exp values calculated by CIS(D) method.(Unit: eV)

He(CIS(D)) 5th 1st~4th error 
aug-cc-pVTZ 38.4 15.7
daug-cc-pVTZ 24.2 3.2
daug-cc-pVQZ 24.0 2.6
daug-cc-pV5Z 23.9 2.3
daug-cc-pV5Z+s,p 23 0.8
daug-cc-pV5Z+2s,p+d 23 0.8


