

1.Please use ChatGPT to explore a thematic series of questions within the scope of computational chemistry and follow up with further inquiries about any unfamiliar terms  ( except homework )

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2.Find the transition state and calculate the barrier height (ΔV) for the following reaction.
reaction:HNC → HCN
methods : MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ、MP2/6-31+G**

program : gaussian 16

Structures & IRC


reactant structure transition state structure prouduct structure

IRC    With calculation of IRC, it can make sure my optimized structures of transition state correct.

figure  :IRC ( Method:MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ )


reactant structure transition state structure prouduct structure

IRC631    With calculation of IRC, it can make sure my optimized structures of transition state correct.

figure :IRC ( Method:MP2/6-31+G** )

barrier height (ΔV)


Table1 barrier height (ΔV)

ΔV HNC (Hartree/Particle) TS (Hartree/Particle)

ΔV≠  (Kcal/mol)

MP2/6-31+G** 93.14306 93.08701 35.2
MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ 93.23130 93.17648 34.4

3.Calculate the k(rate constant) in different temperatures (at least 3 different temperatures) for the following reaction and plot of ln(k) versus 1000/T then compare with the experimental values. 

reaction:CH4 +OH․→ H2O + CH3․


T(K) k(EXP) k(MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ) k(MP2/6-31+G**)
298 8.50E-15 1.20E-14 7.90E-15
500 1.50E-13 5.40E-13 2.20E-13
700 4.80E-13 2.00E-12 7.60E-13                                
T(K) 1000/T lnk(EXP) lnk(MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ) lnk(MP2/6-31+G**)  
298 3.4 -32.4 -32.08 -32.48  
500 2 -29.5 -28.25 -29.14  
700 1.4 -28.37 -26.95 -27.91              

reaction:CD4 +OH․→ H2O(1 H will replace by D) + CD3․

T(K) k(MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ) k(MP2/6-31+G**)
298 1.60E-15 9.90E-16
500 1.10E-13 6.30E-14
700 8.20E-13 4.50E-13

T(K) 1000/T lnk(MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ) lnk(MP2/6-31+G**)
298 3.4 -34.07 -34.55
500 2 -29.82 -30.39
 700 1.4 -27.83 -28.43

methods : MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ、MP2/6-31+G**



KIE (MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ) (MP2/6-31+G**)
298 7.32 7.98
500 4.82 3.51
700 2.4 1.68