


Calculate the structure and frequencies of XHn (X = H~Ne) by using B3LYP theoretical method with 6-31+G(d,p) then compare with the experimental values.


bond length(Å)  
B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p)   Exp
H2 0.743 0.741
LiH 1.614 1.595
BeH2 1.331 1.326
BH3 1.193 1.190
CH4 1.093 1.087
NH3 1.016 1.012
H2O 0.965 0.958
HF 0.928  0.917
absolute error B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p)
H2 0.002
LiH 0.019
BeH2 0.005
BH3 0.003
CH4 0.006
NH3 0.004
H2O 0.007
HF 0.011



  bond angle(degree)
  B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) Exp
  H2 - -
  LiH - -
  BeH2 180.0 180.0
  BH3 120.0 120.0
  CH4 109.5 109.5
  NH3 108.1 106.7
  H2O 105.8 104.5
  HF - -


H2 B3LYP 4465.7
EXP 4401.2
誤差 64.5
LiH B3LYP 1401.1
EXP 1405.5
誤差 -4.4
BeH2 B3LYP 736.1 736.1 2038.2 2260.6
EXP 697.9 697.9 697.9 2159.1
誤差 38.2 38.2 1340.3 101.5
BH3 B3LYP 1157.6 1205.3 1205.3 2576.5 2704.1 2704.1
EXP 1147.5 1196.7 1196.7 2601.6 2601.6 2601.6
誤差 10.1 8.6 8.6 -25.1 102.5 102.5
CH4 B3LYP 1347.7 1347.7 1347.7 1564.6 1564.6 3037.3 3150.7 3150.7 3150.7
EXP 1306.0 1306.0 1306.0 1534.0 1534.0 2917.0 3019.0 3019.0 3019.0
誤差 41.7 41.7 41.7 30.6 30.6 120.3 131.7 131.7 131.7
NH3 B3LYP 1001.0 1673.8 1673.8 3484.5 3627.3 3627.3
EXP 950.0 1627.0 1627.0 3337.0 3444.0 3444.0
誤差 51.0 46.8 46.8 147.5 183.3 183.3
H2O B3LYP 1603.2 3809.2 3931.3
EXP 1648.5 3832.2 3942.5
誤差 -45.3 -23.0 -11.2
HF B3LYP 4067.7
EXP 4138.4
誤差 -70.7


Calculate the single point energy of XHn (X = H~Ne) by using CCSD(T) theoretical method with aug-cc-pVTZ ( the structure obtained from the previous homework ), and then use those energy to calculate the standard enthalpy of formation (ΔH°f)  then compare with the experimental values.

-ΔHf∘= TAE(B.O.)+1.5*nRT-ZPE-Ethermal+(n-1)RT-(n*ΔHf(H)+n*ΔHf(X))


(kcal/mol) EXP ΔHf∘(molecule)
H2 0.0 3.7
LiH 33.6 34.4
BeH2 30.0 37.0
BH3 21.0 22.8
CH4 -17.8 -19.9
NH3 -11.0 -8.5
H2O -57.8 -46.9
HF -65.3 -55.8


absolute error (kcal/mol)
H2 3.7
LiH 0.8
BeH2 7.0
BH3 1.7
CH4 2.1
NH3 2.4
H2O 10.9
HF 9.5




experimental value: Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark DataBase

