
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Sciences, National Chung Cheng University


Advanced Quantum Chemistry


1st Semester, 2024

上課時間 (Time): Tue 8:45-11:30
上課地點 (Location): 化生系 (Chemistry)  313
授課教師: 胡維平 教授 (Prof. Wei-Ping Hu) (E-mail: chewph@ccu.edu.tw)
課號 (Course Number)2605417
助教 (TA):林奕諄 (Tel: 61411, E-mail: stevenlin717@alum.ccu.edu.tw )



成績計算方式 (Grade)Weekly Report 40%; Mid-term 30%;Final 30%


課程綱要 (Contents)

Historic Background

Particles and Forces


Postulates of Quantum Mechanics

高等量子化學課程作業網頁 (Exercise Page)

其他課程相關資源 (Course-Related Resources) 

  1. 分子結構模擬微課程 (Molecular Modeling Course Page)
  2. 計算化學課程 (Computational Chemistry Course Page)
  3. Gaussian 09 訓練課程 (Gaussian 09 Training Courses)
  4. 電子密度圖的繪製 (Plotting Electron Density Map)
  5. 量化計算入門 (Tutorial for Quantum Chemical Calculation)
  6. G09@NCCU
  7. 物化課程網頁 (Physical Chemistry I)
  8. 化數課程網頁 (Mathematics in Chemistry)
  9. 從原子到宇宙課程網頁 (From Atoms to the Universe)
  10. 宇宙的起源 (Origin of the Universe)

參考書 (References)

  1. Physical Chemistry: A molecular approach Donald A. Mcquarrie and John D. Simon
  2. Molecular Quantum Mechanics, P.W. Atkins
  3. Molecular Modelling: Principles and applications, Andrew R. Leach


課程中使用到的網頁 (Useful Web Pages)

  1. NIST Computational Chemistry Comparison and Benchmark DataBase
  2. NIST Chemistry Webbook
  3. NIST Atomic Spectra Database
  4. WebElements
  5. EMSL Gaussian Basis Set Library
  6. Minnesota Database 2.0
  7. NIST Ground Levels and Ionization Energies for the Neutral Atoms
  8. Atomic Electron Affinity in Wikipedia data page
  9. Gaussian, Inc.
  10. Wavefunction, Inc.